Saturday, July 08, 2006


A race

This one's for you babe!

Thursday, July 06, 2006


New post


Saturday, July 01, 2006


New post

New post

Thursday, June 29, 2006


New post

Apparantly some people monitor this blog, so while I am working out which blog I will be using long-term, I will post links to updates here.

Podrunner - Miracle Worker

Tuesday, June 27, 2006


New home

I have switched my blog over to the new CoolRunning Blog Host. Not sure whether this will be a permanent move, but you can still enjoy the same self-absorbed rambling, along with gorgeous photos of Louis.

Friday, June 16, 2006


Split Enz, Wiggles and a big fat dog...

Lots of exciting social outings have offset a shit week for running. Probably best to attack this chronologically, but if you only read my blog for running stuff, you may just want to skim this...

Wednesday last week (7th), I was a model of dedication, and headed out in the rain at 5:30am for a 90 minute run. Followed the City to Surf course from Ocean St to the finish (about 12km) and then Bondi to home again - a total of 17.2 km in 78m minutes. Felt pretty comfortable - was even warm when I headed out - but a downpour at about 40 minutes (the third day in a row I have been trapped in one) justified my apparel decision.

Unfortunately, about 20 minutes from home, my left foot really began to hurt. Normally, I would have pulled up, but at 6:15 in the morning, soaking wet, and with no money on me, my options were limited. Upshot was that I was in quite a bit of pain for the next two days, ruling out anything even slightly run-like, and leaving me pretty down.

Things picked up Friday night when we headed to the Split Enz reunion concert. That Amelia and I were probably in the bottom quartile age-wise was a bit of a shock. 'Evermore' were the support band - I wouldn't run out and buy their album, but they were a great live act. The main event was everything you would expect - all their hits (and you forget how many they had) played well, although Neil Finn definitely struggles with the high-notes these days. A great concert - not quite in the Elvis Costello league - but a great night out - particularly as they didn't have a new album to promote - so I knew every song.

Up bright and early on Saturday, as Louis and I were headed on a road trip to Dubbo - a lad's weekend if you will (although Sally the Labrador was there to represent her gender). Arrived without incident (except a mild outburst when the Wiggles were swapped for Placebo), to discover when Bronte (Sally's sister, who moved to the country when we became inner-city dwellers) greeted us, and despite my sister wording me up, SHE IS FAT! Country life (and sleeping on beds every night) is obviously agreeing with her. Her and Sally took a while to readjust (they had been apart for five months), but by day two were thick as thieves again (much to Silky - the other Dubbo dog's - disgust). Foot injury aside, full-time parenting leaves little time for running - particularly with a uni assignment due that weekend.

Home on Tuesday, working Wednesday and Thursday, and a five minute run on Thursday afternoon. The foot felt OK for 5 minutes, but probably wouldn't have lasted 10, so off to PodRunner I go. Was very, very worried that I had another stress fracture, to the point where I poured the remaining Pepsi in the house down the sink (apparently the phosphorous in caffeine drinks inhibits calcium absorption), and upped my milk intake (I was lactose intolerant when I was younger, and hate milk).

Friday was the day we had been waiting for for 5 months - WIGGLE DAY. Unfortunately, we have moved to the other side of Sydney since we bought the tickets, so another road trip to Hornsby was to be had, with Louis' Nana making a 3:1 adult to child ratio. An auditorium floor filled with children and guardians gave me Beslan flashbacks, but these soon passed. The ad for the show was very frank "MAY NOT CONTAIN ALL ORIGINAL MEMBERS" - so there was some trepidation as they came on-stage. However, out came Greg, Anthony, Murray and Jeff, along with the REAL Captain Feathersword. Louis was interested, without being engaged, and only a couple of his well practised dance steps were brought out. This was on par for about half the kids there, with arm actions being forced by parents acting as puppeteers.

Big plug for The Wiggles - these guys have been doing this for 15 years, and yet still looked like they were having a ball, and loving every minute of it. They have shows coming up in December, which we will try and get along to, providing we can find someone to look after Louis.

Headed in to see PodRunner this afternoon in the City (discovered it's about 10 minutes quicker to ride than catch the bus), expecting the worst. Better news than expected - looks like cuboid friction, whereby a tendon is rubbing against a bone in my foot (funnily enough, the cuboid). Initially, my foot has been strapped to provide extra support, with the next step being a change to my orthotics. Apparently my hyper-flexibility is not the useful superpower it sounds, and warnings of imminent hip replacements were hinted at (insert melodramatic background music). Planning to try out my reinforced foot on Sunday.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Curse of the Saturday threshold session

After an easy 8km in just under 35 minutes (4:20/km) on Friday, headed to Queen's Park on Saturday morning for a threshold session, as per Sean's recommendation. Apparently there is normally a crowd for this session, but with a couple of big races on that morning, it was just me and a bunch of soccer dads talking on mobile phones.

I was a good boy, and did a good warm-up and a proper set of drills before starting. Was aiming for 3:40-3:45/km, so happy to roll out the three in 3:40, 3:40 and 3:41. However, started to work a bit, and dropped back to 3:47 for the fourth. Rather than drop off significantly, or push the session into VO2 max, I took a 60 seconds jog break, then did the next two in 3:36 and 3:43, followed by another 60 second break, and then 3:47 and 3:40 to finish - 8km in 29:34. Not particularly happy with the session, but the only way to do better down the track is to stick out sessions like this.

My foot was a bit sore towards the end of the session, but really started to hurt about 2km into my cool down, so I pulled up stumps and walked home. Sunday came, and the foot was still sore, so my planned 90 minute run was scrapped. Did an hour on the bike in the afternoon, but still unhappy to miss the long run.

Monday's scheduled 50 minute run was looking up in the air, but mid-afternoon with a break in the torrential rain, I headed out the door. Feeling good at the 20 minute mark, my foot then started to hurt and I slowed to a walk. Under normal circumstances, that would have been the end of it, but at that point, the heavens opened, and the 30 minute walk back was looking less and less appealing. Applying a bit of deductive logic, it occured to me that the soreness appeared to be related to my foot moving around too much. So I applied the high-tech solution of doing my laces up tighter. Started running again, and voila, soreness disappeared. Ended up only doing 35 minutes, but happy to recover the session.

Tuesday dawned with cloudy skies but no rain. Jumped on the bike and headed down to SWEAT (forgetting my helmet - d'oh). Foot and calf gave a few murmours during my warm-up, but were silent by the time drills had finished. Today's session was 2400,1600,1600. Session panned out as follows:

2400 - 8:00.6 (76.4,80.3,80.5,80.9,80.9,81.6) 4 minutes recovery
1600 - 5:20.4 (77.7,81.5,82.6,78.6) 2:40 recovery
1600 - 5:23.4 (78.1,82.1,85.1,78.5)

Happy with the first one (about 7 seconds quicker than a comparable session 3 weeks ago), but didn't feel great during the second and third intervals. Didn't feel mentally strong, although as always, finished with a lot left in the tank. However, with some niggles still hanging about, getting through the sessions is probably more important than doing them at 100%.

With constant rain from almost the start of the session, the bike ride home was a lesson in wind-chill, as I was soaked from head to toe. Very pleased to jump in the bath when I got home.

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